20 years European Landscape Convention
WLO and NVTL invite you to the excursion ‘The Future of the European landscape’. The excursion is part of the symposium ‘The Future of the European landscape’. The Symposium is part of a series of conferences organised by UNISCAPE.
In this year of the 20th Anniversary of the Florence Convention, and as a prelude on the UNISCAPE closing event of this year in Florence on 22 October, the symposium The Future of the European Landscape will discuss the status of the protection, planning and management of the European landscape. It will recommend actions and measures to provide the needed policy support for landscape in the next 20 years. The Conference will take place in person, taking into account the valid corona restrictions on that moment, and will be streamed as well.
Location excursion
The excursion will visit fortress De Roovere in Bergen op Zoom.
Fortress de Roovere is one of the largest fortresses of the West Brabant Military Water Defence Line, a system of earthen fortresses at strategic points and fields that could be inundated during warfare. It was completely refurbished in 2010. World famous is the Moses Bridge. You walk deep through the water via the Moses Bridge towards the fortress, but your feet stay dry. It is a modern work of art amidst age-old cultural heritage. It won major architecture awards. In 2018, a new theatre tower was realised, the Pompejus.
On the way to Bergen op Zoom we will pass new energy landscapes and elements of the Delta Flood Defence Works.
You can buy a ticket until September 15, 2021.
You can find information about the travel conditions and restrictions regarding The Netherlands on the Government of the Netherlands.
The fee includes lunch. The symposium ‘The Future of the European landscape’ is charged separately. Travel costs, accommodation are not included in the above-listed conference fees.
Covid-19 update
Before traveling to the Netherlands, please check if any restrictions apply to your country.
Be well and stay safe!
Conference Organising Committee
Special thanks to: Uniscape, Ministerie BZK, RCE, University of Wageningen