SYMPOSIUM Reflecting on Education of Landscape Architecture

On June 20, DSL and the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) are organising the symposium ‘Reflecting on Education of Landscape architecture’. Venue is the Kunsthal in Rotterdam.
Reflecting in an international context
The five Dutch schools in Landscape architecture will present their vision and ideas on education. The theme of the Biennale ‘Urban by Nature’ and international views on the profession will serve as a mirror in order to reflect on their programs, find overlaps, differences and oppositions. With contributions by Dirk Sijmons, curator of the IABR and Daniela Colafranceschi, architect and Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria in Italy:
Download the program.
Time and venue
- Venue: Auditorium Kunsthal Rotterdam
- Date/time: 20 June 2014, 9.30-16.00h, drinks afterwards
- Language: English
- Admission: free entrance
- Sign up (before June 13) email: