Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventSeminar | Forensic Architecture and Violent Landscapes

Seminar | Forensic Architecture and Violent Landscapes


On May the 29th, the seminar ‘Forensic Architecture and Violent Landscapes’ will take place in Wageningen. The seminar organized by the Politics of Place and Space cluster of the Centre of Space,Place & Society (CSPS) of Wageningen University, is focusing on new methods of studying and understanding how landscapes and infrastructures make/unmake territorialities and mediate citizen state relations. Guided by two senior speakers from leading institutes, different approaches and methodologies will be explored for reading the landscape and infrastructures of ‘violence’.

Stefan Laxness – Researcher and Project Coordinator at Forensic Architecture, Goldsmith University (UK): Through its investigative work, Forensic Architecture develops methodologies to reaffirm a collective notion of public truth in the contemporary condition. The talk will present an overview of the work of Forensic Architecture. It will be structured around five key concepts – counter-forensics, forensic aesthetics, the image-data complex, operative models, and the architecture of memory – each of which will be introduced through a selection of projects.

Zeynep Kezer – Senior Lecturer in architecture at Newcastle University (UK): Surrounded by steep and rugged mountain ranges and Euphrates’ two main tributaries, Dersim is a natural fortress, which evolved into a shatter zone as the modernizing (Ottoman and later Turkish) state’s efforts to bolster its central authority intensified in the last hundred years. This presentation probes the complex and mutually constitutive relationship between landscape and identity in this region. I argue that the differences between the practices of navigation and mapping used by the agents of the state and local populations not only produced discrepant landscapes in the same physical space, but also reified the rifts between the two groups.

More information

Seminar organized by the Politics of Place and Space cluster of the Centre of Space, Place and Society, Wageningen University and Research. For more info: Joost Jongerden.

May 29 2019, 15.00-17.00

Leeuwenborch, zaal C67, Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen