SAVE THE DATE – November 30: DSL Symposium ‘Design = Research’

How do design and research relate to one another within Dutch landscape architecture? Which views exist among the institutes and the working field about design as a form of research? And how do we develop a common language and firmer basis for landscape architecture as a scientific discipline? On Wednesday November the 30th 2016 DSL is organizing the symposium ‘Design = Research’ about design as a form of research in landscape architecture.
The symposium takes place at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in Velp. The Dutch master schools (Wageningen University, Delft University of Technology, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture), bachelor schools (VH Larenstein University and HAS Den Bosch University) and representatives of private offices (contractors) and the government (clients) will share their practices, vision and questions. Goal is to develop a ‘common language’ about design in relation to research for Dutch landscape architecture. More information about the program will follow soon.
Landscape architects, teaching staff, researchers and students are especially invited to participate in the symposium. But everyone else interested in design and research within landscape architecture is very welcome!
- Location: VH Larenstein University Kapel, Larensteinselaan 26a, 6882 CT Velp
- Date/time: 30 November 2016, 13.00- 17.00, drinks afterwards.
- Access and registration: admission is free of charge, please register on
- Language: English
- More information:
Photo: Thomas Lenden