Dutch Society for Garden and Landscape Architecture (NVTL)

The Dutch Society for Garden and Landscape Architecture (NVTL) is the only Dutch professional association for garden and landscape architects and designers. The NVTL is the hub of the profession in the Netherlands and the NVTL is committed to the quality of garden and landscape architecture and design. The NVTL represents the interests on many fronts, stimulates the development of the profession and brings clients and firms into contact with each other and with complementary disciplines. The NVTL is an open association which anyone who cares about green design from garden to landscape can join, including students.
Contact NVTL
A: Jollemanhof 14
1019 GW Amsterdam
Visits by appointment only
T: +31 (0)6 27207110
E: info@nvtl.nl
W: www.nvtl.nl