New season of 1·Lectures Amsterdam Academy

On Thursday September 10th, a new series of 1·Lectures will start. Arcam and the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture organise a biweekly architecture lecture in Amsterdam. Renowned designers, from home and abroad, will discuss current issues in the field of architecture, urbanism and landscape design.
The new series of 1·Lectures is structured around various recurring themes. One of the themes is on architectural heritage, dating from the 1970s and 1980s, and the challenges that are faced with adapting it to contemporary sage. With: Noël van Dooren, GROUP A and Anne Lacaton (Lacaton & Vassal).
See the agenda.
Tickets cost € 5 and can be purchased up front on the website of Arcam. Furthermore, tickets are on sale at the door on the evening of the lecture, starting at 7.30 PM (when in stock). Academy students receive free entry on presentation of their student card. The official language is English. Unless stated otherwise, the lectures take place at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, Waterlooplein 213 in Amsterdam. They are held on Thursday evenings, starting at 8 PM.