Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarlectureLet’s talk solutions / Learning from New York

Let’s talk solutions / Learning from New York


On December 10th, Henk Ovink will hold a lecture on New York in the series Let’s talk solutions of AMS-Institute.

Ovink is Special Envoy for International Water Affairs at the Kingdom of the Netherlands. He is Principal of ‘Rebuild by Design’ and has been Senior Advisor for Secretary Shaun Donovan of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force.

In his contribution Henk Ovink will elaborate on making cities resilient by this collaborative and comprehensive approach. “Rebuild by Design is aimed at building social and physical resilience on true understanding, inclusive collaboration and design driven innovation”. RBD was named firts in CNN’s 2013 top 10 of most innovative ideas.

Let’s Talk Solutions!

Let’s Talk Solutions! is a series of public lectures, hosted by the AMS Institute. The monthly talks are inspiring, critical and interactive. Through different topics we will explore solutions for metropolitan challenges. Always bringing together engineering, entrepreneurship and Amsterdam. Entrance and drinks are free after registration.

  • Date/time: 10 December 2015, 17:00 – 18:00h
  • Location: AMS home, Mauritskade 62, 1092 AD Amsterdam.
  • Register at: