Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarLaunch new issue SPOOL journal

Launch new issue SPOOL journal


March the 27th the new new issue of the online journal SPOOL ‘Criticizing Practice – Practicing Criticism’ will be launched by the TU Delft Chair of Landscape Architecture and the Chair of Methods and Analysis & Research. All are invited.


  • 17:00 Welcome and Introduction – Lisa Diedrich and Saskia de Wit
  • 17:20 Recycling Post-industrial landscapes – Students
  • 17:30 ‘The landscape of critique’ Noël van Dooren (author)
  • 18:00 ‘Metropolitan Landscapes?’ Greet de Block (author)
  • 18:30 Response – Lilli Licka
  • 18:50 presentation 1st copy – Frank van den Hoeven
  • 19:00 Drinks

Admission is free, please sign up before 23 February via:

Venue: TU Delft Faculty of Architecture Building 8 – Julianalaan 134 Berlage Room.