Landschapsarchitectuur NLnewsInternational succes for Dutch Van Hall Larenstein University

International succes for Dutch Van Hall Larenstein University


An international success for the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences’ Director Ruth van der Beek calls the award of funding from the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme.

The funding of five million euros for the next three years has been awarded to INVEST, a European alliance of which the University of Applied Sciences is part. INVEST (INnoVations of Regional Susainability: European University Alliance), is an alliance of 5 European colleges and universities and, through this alliance, forms one so-called ‘European University’.

In addition to Van Hall Larenstein, the INVEST alliance consists of 3 more universities and 1 university college from the various regions of Europe. These are the Slovak University of Agriculture in Slovakia, University of Agribusiness and Rural Development in Bulgaria, Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Finland and the University of Thessaly in Greece. The INVEST project will start in December 2020.