Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventExcursion NVTL/BNSP Haarlemmermeer

Excursion NVTL/BNSP Haarlemmermeer


On September 6th, the NVTL/BNSP working group Sustainable Urban Development organizes an excursion to the municipality of Haarlemmermeer as part of the Landscape Triennial 2017.

participants will visit the Prins Bernhard Forest in Hoofddorp and Park21 in Nieuw Vennep.


  • 10:30h: meet up at NS Station Hoofddorp, carpooling to Prince Bernhard Forest
  • 11:00h: Pannekoeken Pavilioen, tour Prince Bernhard Forest by Frits Ruyten, Ruyten Institute / Integrated Planting Methodology
  • 12:00h: Restaurant Vork & Mes, Lunch and evaluation
  • 13:30h: Municipality of Haarlemmermeer, development of the landscape park in the Netherlands (SUD working group) and Landschapstriënnale PARK21 (Rik de Visser from Vista, designer Park21)
  • 14:30h: Park 21, Landgoed Kleine Vennep, guided tour by Frits van Loon, project leader Park21
  • 16:00h: Event Park21 (revealing artwork)
  • 16:30h: Departure to the Municipality, discussion and reflection
  • 17:30h: Closing drinks in the Jopenkerk, Hoofddorp (walking distance)

Please, sign up before September first via  For NVTL and BNSP members, participation is free of charge. Non members are asked for a contribution of € 10.00, to be paid in advance on account number NL 19 INGB 000028616 of the BNSP, mentioning ‘Excursion LTR17 WGDSO September 6th’.