Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendareventEU-Land21 project event Brussels

EU-Land21 project event Brussels


Members of the project EU-Land21 Trans-European Education for Landscape Architects, funded under the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership programme, will gather the 28th of April in Brussels. During the event the outcomes of the project so far will be presented.

The open session will take place at the Université d’architecture La Cambre Horta  next Saturday 28th April 2018 at 13.30h. All are invitated to participate, share experiences and knowledge on how to facilitate learning, employability and labour mobility in landscape architecture in Europe.

The EU-Land21 consortium is conformed by universities from Hungary, Estonia, Poland, the Netherlands and Lithuania, together with International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA-Europe).  Goal is to join forces for trans-European recognition of the profession. The project focus is on constructing and further developing the study programmes in landscape architecture in the participating European universities, according to the requirements of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA-Europe) and the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS).

The outcomes of the Brussels intensive multiplier event are meant to help working on the fundamental aspects regarding competences leading to better professional practices.


Interested to know more about the project Trans-European Education for Landscape Architects? Please contact the project coordinator in Lithuania:

Interested in attending the event? Please contact the secretariat:

Venue: Université d’architecture La Cambre Horta, Eugene Flageyplein 19, B 1050 Brussels.