The master’s program in landscape architecture at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture is aimed at acquiring knowledge, insight and skills that enable you to solve spatial problems by design and to visualize new topographical situations at various levels of scale and abstraction, from garden to region.
If you want to follow a master degree in Landscape Architecture, but do not have lack important professional knowledge or design skills, you can follow the pre-master’s in Urban Design & Landscape Architecture.
Interdisciplinary and international
Architecture, urban design and landscape architecture are independent disciplines, but at the same time inextricably linked. The Amsterdam Academy of Architecture is the only Dutch design school that offers these three spatial disciplines in conjunction. By focusing on the essence and skills and at the same time partly working in interdisciplinary groups, students are prepared for an integrated professional practice in today’s work field.
Working in an international context is also becoming increasingly important. The Academy therefore maintains an active network with foreign schools, with which students and teachers are exchanged on a small scale, and is a member of the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE).
The concurrent model: working and studying at the same time
Part of the course at the Academy of Architecture is the acquisition of relevant professional experience. Working in practice takes place simultaneously with your studies: the so-called concurrent model.During your master’s program at the Academy, you are required to complete a minimum number of professional practice hours at a workplace relevant to the program. In this way you combine your studies with a job in the field. After completing the Master’s in Landscape Architecture, you will have a broad and well-founded set of design and research tools at your disposal and you will be able to operate nationally and internationally as a landscape architect. As an independent designer within an agency, you can collaborate effectively with other disciplines in the design, planning and implementation process or start your own agency.
European Master in Landscape Architecture
EMiLA (European Master in Landscape Architecture) offers students of landscape architecture the opportunity to learn about the profession in the European context and to gain teaching experience abroad. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the important European themes for landscape architecture and to learn about the different approaches to the profession. Students learn how political differences within Europe affect the landscape and gain an understanding of cooperation in the field of cross-border landscape.
If you choose the EMiLA program as a Landscape Architecture student, you will not take classes at the Academy of Architecture in your second year of study, but rather two semesters at two schools of your choice. In addition to the program at these participating institutes, you will attend a Summer School program and an e-learning program.