Landschapsarchitectuur NLcalendarevent18/2 HowDoYouLandscape? Film Night in Delft

18/2 HowDoYouLandscape? Film Night in Delft


February 18th, the TU Delft chair of Landscape Architecture is inviting you to a new series of events as part of our How-Do-You-Landscape lecture series, starting with the HDYL Film Night.

Films are an exceptional communication middle to build narratives, document positions and transfer knowledge in an entertaining way. Dovetailing in with the lecture series, the screenings will address themes related to landscape and ways to understand it, order and act with it. The films will be based on contemporary themes such as walkscapes, waterscapes, socialscapes, foodscapes and transportscapes. Students of the master track Landscape Architecture are closely involved with the organization of the film in the role of curator and commentator in discussions around the topic. Students will introduce the theme and the film of the night with a short talk, followed by the screening and a closing discussion.

The first Film Night on Thursday 18th February – 18.30, in room K, is on the theme of Disasterscapes, the privileged ground for an array of questions in landscape architecture, urbanism and architecture. Increasingly part of our planetary condition, disasters are destructive events that radically disrupt environmental, spatial and social conditions. The role of spatial design disciplines in post-disaster environments is thus not only about reconstruction of territories, but is also critically encumbered with addressing trauma, loss and memory of past landscapes.

Paradoxically too, post-catastrophe sites are also rich milieus for the examination of new ideas about nature, landscape and the human condition. Moreover, catastrophes often lead to paradigm changes in spatial development, policy and governance, and can catalyse dramatic technological and design innovations. And disaster landscapes are also forbidden places, generating stories of lost worlds and vague secrets.

Students Sarem Sunderland and Barbara Prezelj, will tease out some of these themes in the prelude to the film Stalker by Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky.


  • 18:30 introduction (René van der Velde)
  • 18:35 paper presentation ‘Traces in post-traumatic landscapes’ (Sarem Sunderland)
  • 18:45 paper presentation ‘Unfamiliar territory’ (Barbara Prezelj)
  • 18:55 film presentation ‘Stalker’ by Andrei Tarkovsky (Sarem Sunderland)
  • 19:00-22:00 film projection, snacks & drinks
Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Venue: Room K, Faculty of Architecture, Room U, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft.

Admission is free, all welcome.